Government of Western Australia Official Site


WA now responsible for more than half of Australia’s exports

Colin Barnett image

Colin Barnett
Premier and State Development Minister

Western Australia has cemented its position as Australia’s leading exporter, with the State contributing 51 per cent of Australia’s national merchandise exports in 2013-14. Premier and State Development Minister Colin Barnett said the Australian Bureau of Statistics annual State accounts showed WA’s total merchandise exports were worth $132 billion in 2013-14, up 14 per cent on the previous year.

“With only about 11 per cent of the population, WA is now responsible for more than half of Australia’s total exports,” Mr Barnett said. “This is the first time a single State – Western Australia – is producing more than 50 per cent of the nation’s exports.

“This is a remarkable achievement, particularly when contrasted with some of the larger States like Queensland (17 per cent of national exports), New South Wales (14 per cent) and Victoria (nine per cent). “I congratulate all our exporters for their vision and their commitment to the State and to the whole nation’s future.

“This export growth is set to continue as the State’s major liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects commence production in coming years.” LNG sales are expected to grow from 20 million tonnes per annum in 2013-14 to almost 50 million tonnes per annum by 2017-18 as developments like the Gorgon and Wheatstone projects reach completion.

“WA also dominates Australia’s exports to major trading partners, accounting for 71 per cent of exports to China, 50 per cent of exports to Korea and 49 per cent of exports to Japan,” the Premier said.