Government of Western Australia Official Site


Applications for 2015 Petroleum Exploration Permits Opened


The Petroleum Division of the Department of Mines and Petroleum, under delegation from the Minister for Mines and Petroleum of Western Australian, invites applications for the grant of petroleum exploration permits over the following four discrete areas within Western Australia’s Canning and Northern Carnarvon Basins. The release areas were gazetted on 1 September 2015. Bids close 28 April 2016.

The 4 release areas are:1 area in the Canning Basin

L14-2: 2659 km2

An onshore area showing mature Ordovician sources.

3 areas in the Northern Carnarvon Basin

L15-2/T15-1: 75 km2
L15-3: 80 km2
L15-4: 478 km2

These 3 offshore areas are notable for:

• Source kitchens – proven Jurassic and possible older source kitchens.
• Oil & gas shows and fields in Lower Cretaceous sandstones within & close to Release Areas.
• A variety of possible structural and stratigraphic plays along SE margins of Barrow & Dampier Sub-basins.
• Lower Cretaceous sandstone plays
• Triassic sandstone plays

An information package on the release areas detailing the criteria for assessment of applications, how to apply in the approved manner, native title and environment maps, in addition to geological and geotechnical information is available on a USB flash drive and the Departments website:

Copies of the USB flash drive can be obtained from the Petroleum Division, Department of Mines and Petroleum by emailing your request to:

Applications will be received online up until 4.00 pm Australian Western Standard Time on Thursday 28 April 2016. Applicants need to observe the closing time and date. Applications cannot be lodged after the closing time and date.