Government of Western Australia Official Site


Increased exploration a positive sign


The Department of Mines and Petroleum received the highest number of exploration Programme of Work applications for a March quarter since 2012, more than 50 per cent higher than last year, and the second-highest since 2009 when the department first started releasing Approval Performance reports. Programme of Work applications must be approved before exploration can start, which means it is a good indicator of planned exploration activity on the ground.

Across the March quarter, the department received 1,679 approval applications from the minerals sector and 183 from the petroleum and geothermal sector. 97 per cent of all applications were finalised within target timelines for the quarter.

Commenting on the strong performance, Mines and Petroleum Minister Bill Johnston said: “Increased exploration is a positive sign of private sector confidence. It is an important priority for the McGowan Government to encourage continual investment in exploration. Resource exploration in Western Australia supports thousands of jobs and is fundamental in the discovery of the State’s next resource projects.”

Approval Performance reports available at