Accessing export-related services will be streamlined for Western Australian agrifood exporters with the launch of an online portal that brings together services offered by government and industry. The Agrifood and Fisheries Export Services Portal brings more than 100 State and national services into a central source, for ease of access and reference for agriculture and food businesses.
These bodies offer services including grants, market intelligence and export marketing strategy and financial assistance. Users can choose from a service category, delivery category or service provider to produce a bespoke list of export-related services.
Alannah MacTiernan, the Minister for Agriculture and Food, commented:“The Government is committed to growing WA’s agrifood exports to drive new job opportunities across regional WA. While there are scores of support services available to WA businesses looking to grow their exports, they are spread across different tiers of government and industry; it’s hard to know where to look. This highly accessible online portal will help agrifood companies to access the services that best match their needs, driving the best possible outcomes for WA industry.”
The portal will be managed by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and is available at