Western Australia’s reputation as the world’s leading lithium producer continues to grow, with another facility in the pipeline. The WA Government is assisting the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder to activate a parcel of land for the new Kalgoorlie Lithium Hydroxide Facility.
The site on state land will be leased to the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder for 21 years with an option for a further 21 years after the first term of the lease to help secure the development of the lithium facility.
The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder continues to work with the project proponents to develop the site as the location of the Kalgoorlie Lithium Hydroxide Facility, with negotiations well-advanced for the proponents to start development in the short term.
State Government agencies, including the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage are working collaboratively with the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder to facilitate the development of this strategic industrial site. The WA Government also recently committed provisional funding for the Minerals Research Institute of Western Australia, to support development and manufacturing of technology metals and renewable energy sources.
Lands Minister Rita Saffioti commented:“The development of the Kalgoorlie Lithium Hydroxide Facility will put the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia at the forefront of this growing resource industry. When completed, it will produce a battery-quality lithium product suitable for use in the lithium-ion battery industry.”