Government of Western Australia Official Site


Webinar: 22 February 2022 “New Opportunities in Cyber Security in Australia”

The AJBCC is supporting the Nichi-Go Global x J-Bridge Webinar series, a collaboration with five Australian state governments, JETRO, the Consulate-General of Japan in Sydney, and Innovation Dojo.

As the first in the 2022 webinar series, “New Opportunities in Cyber Security in Australia” – a showcase of Australian companies in the cyber security sector selected especially for their potential to grow and participate in the Japanese market. The companies featured will be:

Find out more about the speakers and companies

When: Thursday 24 February 2022, 4:00-5:15 pm AEDT / 2:00-3:15 pm JST

Where: Zoom Webinar

Registration: Required in advance from link.

Language: The event will be held in English with Japanese interpretation available.

Red Piranha, WA is founded in 2015, product launched in 2018. Red Piranha pioneered the integrated security service model, now known as XDR. Red Piranha is helping protect the world from cybersecurity threats by making enterprise-grade security available for every business. 

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